Anyway, on to day 4. Another day of "whatever". After sitting in the yard photographing the Jesus Lizard (it can walk on water), the cute little Gray-necked Wood Rail (whom apparently has a certain path that he likes to take and cutting through the yard is his super highway), and attempting to get the rude little hummers, we strolled on down to the beach where I snorkeled and Kevin bobbed. I now wish I had an underwater camera - oh the color and array of fish, "snails", sea urchins, and coral! Each section of coral held different surprises. I'm amazed at all the different color Angel Fish, and discovered the best way to see them all is to float on top, not move, and watch them all come out of their little hidey holes in the coral.
We stayed a bit long in the water (with no sun screen on), it was easy to do - the water was cool and soothing, and when snorkeling time flies by and you have no idea how long you've been out there until the redness and heat of your skin later gives you an idea.
After swimming in the Caribbean, we took the "long way back" to the house and saw what we believed to be a Common Black Hawk relaxing up on a tree limb. We had all intentions to go back with cameras in tow to get photos of it to positively identify it, but got side tracked with the monkeys across from the house we are renting. Yep, run into the house, grab cameras, and track down the monkeys. They travel pretty quickly up in the trees and it took us a few minutes to find them again, but find them we did - it was a mother Spider Monkey teaching her baby how to maneuver through the trees. At one point poor baby got left behind and started to cry. Momma ignored him and continued to eat until he finally made it to her. Then off again they went, climbing up and down vines, and swinging from limb to limb. Kevin has mentioned the rude Idaho tourists so I won't elaborate on them, I just hope not to run into them again.
Shower time and then off to the ARA Project - a facility that rescues Great Green Mcaws, rehabs them for release,and then releases them. They currently have 26 Mcaws at the facility and we were lucky enough to be able to watch them being fed, learn so much about them, and become "friends" with our tour guide who invited us to come back any time while we are here, free. :) There was also a Black-mandible Toucan in the tree across from our vantage point who was nice enough to pose and sit for us the whole time we were there. Oh, the rude Idaho people showed up there also and they brought another couple along with them. Once again, they showed their butts because during "Buffy's" presentation (she was our guide), they decided they had seen enough of the birds and abruptly left. While sitting there chatting with Buffy and watching a storm come in, we heard and saw approximately 50 parrots (can't remember what kind she said they were) flying away from the incoming storm clouds. Buffy said she had never seen anything like that and would ask one of her co-workers what would have gotten them all in a tizzy like that. Buffy is from PA, but now lives here 6 months out of the year working for the ARA Project. I'm a bit envious of her lifestyle - she lives along on the top of the mountain with only the Mcaws for company, except her 2 co-workers that arrive daily but leave for night. I can only imagine the sounds she hears at night! She did say she has a couple of owls that nightly come and sit on top of her "hut". She also recommended some nice restaurants. I'm sure we will take her up on the offer to come back on a sunny day to photography the Mcaws more.
Off to dinner. The first place we passed heading north was one of the restaurants she mentioned. And what a treat that was! Laid back but very upscale environment, outdoor patio setting, candles as the light for the tables outside the patio we were under, and the food! WOW! The chef really put a lot of pride into his cooking and the presentation was beautiful. I got a thick red Tuna steak topped with chopped fresh garlic that was out of this world. Kevin has never eaten tuna steak and tried a bite and I was pleased to see that he really liked it and was surprised at how good it was.
After dinner back "home" where I attempted to download photos and start today's blog. However, I could not keep my eyes open and opted to go to bed. Unfortunately, my bronchitis appears to be getting worse again, and since I wasn't feeling all the great, thought sleep would be best. So I'm actually writing Day 4's events morning of Day 5, and happy to say, the sleep helped and I'm feeling better.
I'm sure we will have more adventures to write about this evening, until the - Adios Amigos!
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Spider Monkey Mom and Baby |
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Baby Spider Monkey |
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